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Configuration File

This page lists all configuration options (in alphabetical order).

Also see dynamic configurations in case you need more flexibility to configure Knip.

JSON Schema

A $schema field is a URL that you put at the top of your JSON file. This allows you to get red squiggly lines inside of your IDE when you make a typo or provide an otherwise invalid configuration option.

In JSON, you can use the provided JSON schema:

"$schema": ""

In JSONC, you can use the provided JSONC schema:

"$schema": ""

Use JSONC if you want to use comments and/or trailing commas.


In TypeScript, you can use the KnipConfig type:

import type { KnipConfig } from 'knip';
const config: KnipConfig = {};
export default config;


Array of glob patterns to find entry files. Prefix with ! for negation. Example:

"entry": ["src/index.ts", "scripts/*.ts", "!scripts/except-this-one.ts"]

See configuration and entry files.


See Rules & Filters.


Array of glob patterns to ignore issues from matching files. Example:

"ignore": ["src/generated.ts", "fixtures/**"]
  • Use negated patterns in entry and project glob patterns to prevent matching files from being added to the analysis.
  • Use ignore patterns to exclude issues in matching files from being reported.


Array of binaries to exclude from the report. Regular expressions allowed. Example:

"ignoreBinaries": ["zip", "docker-compose"]

Actual regular expressions can be used in dynamic configurations.


Array of package names to exclude from the report. Regular expressions allowed. Example:

"ignoreDependencies": ["hidden-package", "@org/.*"]

Actual regular expressions can be used in dynamic configurations:

export default {
ignoreDependencies: [/@org\/.*/, /^lib-.*/],


In files with multiple exports, some of them might be used only internally. If these exports should not be reported, there is a ignoreExportsUsedInFile option available. With this option enabled, you don’t need to mark everything @public separately and when something is no longer used internally, it will still be reported.

"ignoreExportsUsedInFile": true

In a more fine-grained manner, you can also ignore only specific issue types:

"ignoreExportsUsedInFile": {
"interface": true,
"type": true


Array of workspaces to ignore, globs allowed. Example:

"ignoreWorkspaces": ["packages/ignore", "packages/examples/**"]


See Rules & Filters.


By default, Knip does not report unused exports in entry files. When a repository (or workspace) is self-contained or private, you may want to include entry files when reporting unused exports:

"includeEntryExports": true

If enabled, Knip will report unused exports in entry source files and scripts such as those referenced in package.json. But not in entry and configuration files as configured by plugins, such as next.config.js or src/routes/+page.svelte.

This will also enable reporting unused members of exported classes and enums.

Set this option at root level to enable this globally, or within workspace configurations individually.


Tools like TypeScript, webpack and Babel support import aliases in various ways. Knip automatically includes compilerOptions.paths from the TypeScript configuration, but does not automatically use other types of import aliases. They can be configured manually:

"paths": {
"@lib": ["./lib/index.ts"],
"@lib/*": ["./lib/*"]

Each workspace can have its own paths configured. Knip paths follow the TypeScript semantics:

  • Path values are an array of relative paths.
  • Paths without an * are exact matches.


There are a few options to modify the behavior of a plugin:

  • Override a plugin’s config or entry location
  • Force-enable a plugin by setting its value to true
  • Disable a plugin by setting its value to false
"mocha": {
"config": "config/mocha.config.js",
"entry": ["**/*.spec.js"]
"playwright": true,
"webpack": false

It should be rarely necessary to override the entry patterns, since plugins also read custom entry file patterns from the tooling configuration (see Plugins → entry files).

Plugin configuration can be set on root and on a per-workspace level. If enabled on root level, it can be disabled on workspace level by setting it to false there, and vice versa.

Also see Plugins.


Array of glob patterns to find project files. Example:

"project": ["src/**/*.ts", "scripts/**/*.ts"]

See configuration and entry files.


See Rules & Filters.


Workspaces may contain the options listed on this page, except for the following root-only options:

  • exclude / include
  • ignoreExportsUsedInFile
  • ignoreWorkspaces
  • workspaces

Workspaces can’t be nested in configuration, but they can be nested in folder structure.

See Monorepos and workspaces.

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